• Resolved poodlerat


    When I try to type certain accented characters, as well as in other alphabets like arabic, WordPress converts them to question marks. The ISO-8859-1 characters like é still show up fine, but any characters outside of those, like ?, become ?.

    My database is set to MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode, and MySQL connection collation: utf-8_unicode_ci. Is it a database problem or something else? And how do I fix it?

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  • You have a wordpress.com blog in your profile – so you should ask for help there.

    Thread Starter poodlerat


    The blog I’m talking about isn’t a WP.com blog, it’s one I host myself.

    Is it a new install or an upgrade to 2.2?
    Did it ever worked correctly?

    What is the encoding setting in your admin > Options > Reading?

    Thread Starter poodlerat


    This particular blog is a new install of 2.2, but I’ve the exact same problem on other blogs updated from various previous versions. I don’t type in other languages very often, so I can’t remember how far back it started, although before 2.2 if I’m remembering correctly.

    The encoding is set to UTF-8 on all my blogs; I’ve never changed it from the default.

    Where upgrade – read this:

    Although it may apply to your new install, too.

    Thread Starter poodlerat


    It worked—I’m so grateful for such quick help! It never occurred to me that Fantastico might be the problem (although in hindsight, it probably should have.)

    Thanks again for your help.

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