Solves real-world user profile issue
While I support the principles behind Gravatars, my real-world experience is this: (1) I need different avatars of myself on different sites where I have professional or personal roles; (2) therefore a single universal Gravatar does not work for me, and I’m not going to set up different Gravatar accounts for different sites because, hey, c’mon; (3) for a low volume site with a number of known contributors, Gravatars add an extra layer of external complexity.
The “Simple Local Avatar” plug-in works for me, and addresses my pain points in a helpful way that is consistent with the way Gravatars work. The developer is going out of his way to make sure that a site with this plug-in will still accept and use Gravatars, but adds the common-sense capability for a user to upload their own Avatar photo. Dirt-simple and easy to use. It did not introduce any incompatibilities for me, and I appreciate that it just works.
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