• In any case, somebody needs also working event links for the small widget calender: Just put the output-line (line 2997) into the foreach (insert after line 3000) loop and replace the # with $event->event_link. Here the whole function (part I changed = the line after // Setup the wrapper and link):

    // Used to create a hover will all a day's events in for minical
    function minical_draw_events($events,$day_of_week = '')
      // We need to sort arrays of objects by time
      usort($events, "time_cmp");
      // Only show anything if there are events
      $output = '';
      if (count($events)) {
        // Now process the events
        foreach($events as $event)
          // Setup the wrapper and link
          $output = '<span class="calnk"><a href="'.$event->event_link.'" class="minical-day">'.$day_of_week.'<span>';
    	if ($event->event_time == '00:00:00') { $the_time = __('all day','calendar'); } else { $the_time = __('at','calendar').' '.date(get_option('time_format'), strtotime(stripslashes($event->event_time))); }
    	$output .= '* <strong>'.$event->event_title.'</strong> '.$the_time.'<br />';
        // The tail
        $output .= '</span></a></span>';
      } else {
        $output .= $day_of_week;
      return $output;


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