[SOLVED] Checking domain controller ports: [ERROR] FAILED
On a fresh Centos 7 installation with LAMP following these instructions:-
then add the ADI plugin, configure and….Maybe I missed it somewhere int he installation notes but to save anybody else the time trying to figure it out, here’s how I fixed a problem where my ADI would not work, even with the firewall switched off. I could use ldapsearch at the command line OK but nothing from ADI in the browser.
a comment on this page sorted me out:-
/usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect=1
I didn’t think I was using SELinux but apparently so.
cooking on gas now ??Previous error message with additional error codes reporting:-
openLDAP installed [INFO] method authenticate() called [INFO] ------------------------------------------ PHP version: 5.4.16 WP version: 4.5.3 ADI version: 1.1.8 OS Info : Linux wp.mydomain.co.uk 3.10.0-327.28.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 3 11:11:39 UTC 2016 x86_64 Web Server : apache2handler adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 EXTENDED (201302271401) ------------------------------------------ [INFO] LDAP paging: enabled [NOTICE] username: aUser [NOTICE] password: **not shown** [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection: - account_suffix: @mydomain.myforest - base_dn: OU=Users,OU=people,DC=mydomain,DC=myforest - domain_controllers:; - ad_port: 389 - use_tls: 0 - network timeout: 5 [INFO] Checking domain controller ports: [ERROR] - - FAILED $errCode = 13 $errStr = Permission denied [ERROR] - - FAILED $errCode = 13 $errStr = Permission denied [NOTICE] adLDAP object created. [INFO] max_login_attempts: 0 [NOTICE] trying account suffix "@mydomain.myforest" [ERROR] Authentication failed [WARN] storing failed login for user "aUser" Logon failed
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