• When running supercache 1.4.6, I was not getting 304 responses even though I had that option selected.

    wp-cache-phase1.php uses a default int value of zero for $remote_mod_time on line 240

    line 243 contains this test (potentially comparing a string to an int):
    $remote_mod_time != 0

    Since php tries to turn the $remote_mod_time string into an int (and in this case into a zero), I was never getting the 304 header.

    I worked around this by changing the default 0 into a string ‘0’ by wrapping it with single quotes.

    So line 240 becomes:
    $remote_mod_time = ‘0’;
    And line 243 becomes:
    if ( $remote_mod_time != ‘0’ && $remote_mod_time == $local_mod_time ) {

    With that in place, the server began responding with 304’s when the browser had an up to date client cached copy of a super cached file.

    But Fiddler Tool then reported a protocol violation as the 304 response had a zero sized body (good) and a non-zero Content-Length header (violation)

    So I added a new line 245 to set the content-length header to zero when the response was a 304. The section of code now looks like this:

    243  if ( $remote_mod_time != '0' && $remote_mod_time == $local_mod_time ) {
    244    header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified");
    245    header( 'Content-Length: 0'); //304's are always zero length
    246  exit();

    Hopefully this will help anybody noticing the same behavior and maybe make it into the next release/version.


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