• Resolved dospina


    <div id=”et-boc” class=”et-boc”>
    <div id=”et_builder_outer_content” class=”et_builder_outer_content”>
    <?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[showmodule id=”4405″]’ ); ?>

    Using it with just the showmodule did not pull the styles. so I needed to add the extra surrounding divs. BINGO! worked.
    Hope this helps someone out there pulling their hair with getting this to work.

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  • Perhaps I am missing something, I attempted this solution, and still am unable to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

    Plugin Author Fabrice ESQUIROL


    I never had a style issue, i guess all depend how you build your item in library and where you place the shortcode

    kwigg7, can you tell me more about the problem you face ? What do you want to achieve and what’s wrong ?

    I tried to place a shortcode module inside a toggle, tabs, and another toggle module. In all cases the end result was the same. Styling did not transfer, and often times the shortcode element would pull from the most recent created library item instead of the referenced library item in the shortcode.

    Plugin Author Fabrice ESQUIROL


    This is a known problem, you can’t place a toggle inside a toggle, an accordion inside an accordion or a tab module inside another tab module. The way (using js) Divi handle these module makes it impossible to mix them, as there is no way to distinguish events handler.

    Check for known limits on the plugin page : https://www.creaweb2b.com/en/plugins/simple-divi-shortcode-en/#en_limits

    Hi I having same issue, styles not coming across as well.
    I just have the shortcode in a fullwidth code module.

    This code above:
    <div id=”et-boc” class=”et-boc”>
    <div id=”et_builder_outer_content” class=”et_builder_outer_content”>
    <?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[showmodule id=”4405″]’ ); ?>

    Where do I put it? Doesn’t work in code module – tried to put in plugin but didnt work. Could you please advise how and where to put this with the standard plugin. Sorry not very experience in coding.

    I tried in the plugin:
    <div id=”et-boc” class=”et-boc”>
    <div id=”et_builder_outer_content” class=”et_builder_outer_content”>
    //[showmodule id=”866″]

    //Exit if direct access
    defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) or die( ‘No script kiddies please!’ );
    // Function to show the module

    function showmodule_shortcode($atts) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array(‘id’ => ”), $atts);
    return do_shortcode(‘[et_pb_section global_module=”‘.$atts[‘id’].'”][/et_pb_section]’);


    add_shortcode(‘showmodule’, ‘showmodule_shortcode’);


    but didn’t work.

    Thanks heaps.

    Plugin Author Fabrice ESQUIROL


    As said previously, i never had any style problem, so i can’t see what you’re talking about. Maybe you can contact me by mail and tell me more about your problem.

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