Thank-you to the people who have contacted me. However, it was never my intention to provide WordPress support, and I can no longer do it. I shouldn’t have made the offer, but honestly I never thought so many people would write.
I also never meant to denigrate the people who take the time to provide solutions on here. They are the main source of WordPress support
As whmitty points out above, you didn’t pay for WrodPress. Although, if you can’t discuss WordPress support in the WordPress Support Forum, what is the appropriate venue? That’s rhetorical, by the way.
Regardless of my opinion on the support issue, here’s what I’ve learned. WordPress is a joy to work with. If you know nothing about coding, there are a ton of themes, plug-ins, and widgets to customize your installation. These are almost all user contributed for free. If you’re partly fluent in php you can make it jump through hoops.
If you want to use WordPress for something mission-critical, like your business web site, you need to understand something. It might seem like everyone is getting answers to their questions here. They aren’t. You might have to wait for the answer, you might never get an answer. There’s no reason you can’t use WordPress for your business. I’m just saying, things can go wrong. There is no guaranteed support. You should have someone who really understands WordPress before a problem develops. There are also hosting companies the specialize in WordPress. It might be worth a few extra bucks a month for the extra peace-of-mind.