• I had a case where the plug-in worked perfectly without Lazy Load, with galleries created the conventional way, with Medium size images linked to full-size files.

    However, when I clicked Lazy Load on in the plug-in settings, the containers the images were inside, the “figure” tag containers, were as tall as the original images were natively, and not as tall as the images as rendered.

    The columns in my installation were 150px wide. So, if a 300×200 image was to be displayed, the image itself smooshed down to 150px wide and remained proportionate, but the container height stayed as wide as the image started out.

    In other words, instead of the container being more or less invisible because it’s matched the smooshed image height of only being 100px tall, it stayed 200px tall like the original image was, which leaves pockets of empty space or background color (depending on your CSS). It still laid out nicely, but of course you just want all images and not pockets of nothing.

    Because I am on the most recent version of WordPress, I edited “masonry-init-v3-lazy.js” and changed this:

         'width': $(this).attr('width'),
         'height': $(this).attr('height') / resizeProportion

    into this:

    var realWidth = $(this).attr('width');
    var resizeProportion = realWidth / 150;
         'width': $(this).attr('width'),
         'height': $(this).attr('height') / resizeProportion

    All I’ve done is checked out the difference between the starting width of each image and the known column width, distilled that into a factor (2, 1.33333, 1.266667, etc.) and then divided the container height by that to match the image as rendered.

    I am not sure why my specific use case borked to begin with; it was the same on two very different sites. If anyone runs across that though, it’s working swell for me now. Hopefully it can help someone.


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  • Thread Starter vincentjflorio


    Whoops, the “/ resizeProportion” shouldn’t be in the first one. That’s a variable I only declare in my part and isn’t found in the file. Sorry!

    Hey man, thanks for sharing the solution! It deformed my photos a bit, width is good but height is short. My thumbnail size is W:270 H:99999. Do you have any ideas how to fix it? Thanks again

    Just typed 270 and works perfect ?? Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter vincentjflorio


    Glad it helped! It kept getting overwritten for me so I copied my patched version into my theme’s /js/ folder, and used functions.php to knock the plugin copy of the script out of the lineup and always use my patch.

    Might not be stable forever, in case there’s a security issue or upgrade or something, but for now it’s getting the job done hassle free.

    Wish I knew what caused it to begin with.

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpse26822_script_fix', 9999);
    function wpse26822_script_fix()
    	wp_enqueue_script('masonryInit-patch', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/masonry-init-v3-lazy.js', array('jquery-masonry'), '3.0.2', true);
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