• clarke1866


    Sociable V1.0 is out of beta and is now available for download at Push.cx. It features 24 different social bookmarking sites, an intuitive backend administration menu, and easy implementation requiring zero template editing.

    It allows you to easily and quickly sort through the 24 (and counting) bookmarking sites to determine both the order you would like the links displayed and on what types of pages / posts (single, home, categories, etc) they should be displayed. This is a major feature upgrade from V 0.35.


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  • devilmaycry


    Sounds like a very handy plugin, I’ll certainly be giving this one a try. Thanks alot clarke1865!

    Thread Starter clarke1866


    Don’t thank me! Thank the brains behind the coding… @ Push.cx



    Sociable is a cool plugin, and I’m using a slightly-modded version on my upcoming CHAITGEAR 2.0 re-launch design. Still trying to figure out where to put the darn thing visually… ??

    And I broke down and messed around with the CSS (and added one extra tag, h2’s, around the title in php, and changed the sociable ‘class’ to an ‘id’ reference instead). But the average joe should be able to drop in the Sociable plugin, activate it, tweak things in the admin panel, and not touch another single thing… tres cool.




    thanks for the info. good plugin.

    Thread Starter clarke1866


    It’s fantastic for the average wordpress user as it take all the effort of a few mouse clicks and some dragging and dropping to make it look good. At the same time, its very easy to hardcode it into the template for advanced users.

    I’m slowly working my way through all the sites offered by the plugin and rating / ranking them from an authors perspective. Feel free to read along at Maxpower



    Great Plugin – thanks a lot.



    when i activate this plugin my wordpress pages trun totally blank. i have to delete its folder to recover. it seems that it’s not compatible with my blog.
    i’m using wp2.0.2 and k2 beta2 r167 and the neweset version of this plugin.i don’t konw why.

    Thread Starter clarke1866


    Rocbooks, I have the same configuration as you, but no errors. I couldn’t tell you what is going on without more info.

    Clarke, For those of us with the same color background as the icons in Socialble, is there a way to tweak a border color or some kind of CSS effect in the admin panel? That would rock, right now the del.icio.us icon for example has a white box on the top left and my background is white so they blend together.



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