So ffmpeg is installed on my host noticing some issues.
-The fluid width completely breaks down with the strobe media player options(it looks postage sized for some reason).
-there is definite problem with looping, even when converted to proper file types. When playing on android, i lose all control of the palyer, no pausing, maximizing, seeking, etc. Seems like there is an overlay blocking user input, this is actually why i stripped out your player when i was trying to get the fluid widths to work. there is something about that overlay that is causing problems with android, and maybe related to the looping stuttering. On my desktop with autoloop enabled, the video may loop like 3-4 times perfectly and then suddenly stutter and go into perpetual loading..
-is it possible for the movie thumbs to be invisible, instead being used as overlays for the video in the media gallery? that way the interface isnt cluttered with a bunch of thumbs and blank video icons.
-what is going on with the “set all featured images” option? i clicked it and it did something, but none of my posts got updated? what is that button supposed to do?
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