Ah Glenn sorry. I just randomly found this entry … thought WordPress would send me a Mail or something if there are new ones.
To get the plugin started install it just like any other plugin. Then you should place the function <?php areaCreate(); ?>
in any template file (for example the index.php) where module areas should work (note that areas only work on posts and pages because the contents are saved in postmeta). In the upcoming version you can do this by adding the shortcode [gdymc_area]
in the post_content directly without any coding.
After you did this you should add a module folder. This goes in your themes root and should be named ‘modules’ by default. In the plugins folder is a folder named ‘example-theme-files’. In there is a example-modules folder with some modules.
To create modules place a folder in you modules folder. The folder name is the name of the module type. In that module folder you should place a index.php where you modules html goes. This could be as simple as <hr />
but also complex like galleries or a contact form.
With the function <?php contentCreate(); ?> you can create editable contents in your modules index.php. There are some examples in the ‘example-theme-files’ modules. Usually you place it like <?php contentCreate( 1, 'text' ); ?>
or <?php contentCreate( 2, 'image', '100x200' ); ?>
. The first parameter of this function is some kind of id of the content inside the current module. This is usefull if you want to use that content later.
I know that there is some hazzle to set this plugin up. But when it runs and you get used to its architecture its a breeze ??
PS: On my agenda is a setup video and some kind of documentation … sorry about that