vkaryl – themes only had to be made writable server side, thus not a major issue, and then only if the theme couldn’t find something to hook onto, which seems to be anly a problem with a few themes.
I have got a programmer working on some scripts again (I had a long offline break), though the first priority is something a lot more functional than this plugin.
I am still trying to solve Jerry’s problems in comments on the site (though I can’t find where to download that linkware theme he is using), and I still intend to have some more funtionality for switching graphics etc.
I wish IE7 would go final so it gives incentive to create lots of PNGs too.
The site is now
https://wpplugins.info (I switched to respect the upcoming WordPress trademark and the WP teams wishes)
Thus details are now
Plugin Name: Snowfall
Version: 0.9.1 rc2
Plugin URI: https://wpplugins.info/category/plugins/snowfall/
Description: Snowfall creates the effect of falling snowflakes, leaves, hearts, flowers etc.
Author: Andy Beard
Author URI: https://www.wpplugins.info
Note no changes were made to the plugin other than the URL
On/Off button – I would implement it np, gives me a change to add a more obvious link as many plugin authors do, if people don’t mind it taking up space on their screen.
Would sidebar or footer be more appropriate?
Would you like the visitor to be able to change graphic effects just like a theme viewer?