• Hello. I really like WCFM – Frontend Manager for WooCommerce. I am planning to purchase the Ultimate version. But I need Vendors to receive a voice message on the phone about new orders. This is the most important function that I need to implement my project.

    Only one voice message for Vendors about a new order (any order status). Subsequent order status changes should not call the voice call method again.

    I am using – one vendors, one order.

    Please help me create this snippet. add_action woocommerce.

    Service for sending Voice messages: Api which I will use in this snippet.
    Method: Get or Post.

    <phones> = Store Phone Number
    <message> = New order “Order id”

    Info: https://www.smsc.ru/api/http/send/voice/#menu

    Please give me a reverse answer, is it possible to create this snippet or not?

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