Thanks for your message. By default, only the commercial version of Vik Booking comes with a few pre-installed SMS gateways that you could use to compare their PHP code to build your own integration.
The free version of Vik Booking does support custom SMS gateways, but you’ve got none to compare against. If you have noticed the default integration with Clicksend, then you are probably using the commercial version of our plugin.
For the moment we do not support Twilio, but if you happened to have any PHP knowledge, then you could easily code your own SMS gateway for Twilio. All PHP driver files must be placed on the directory /wp-content/plugins/vikbooking/admin/smsapi of your server, and they must declare a specific class with at least 2 methods: getAdminParameters()
and sendMessage()
The best solution to code your own integration is to check the PHP code of one of the existing drivers inside the above mentioned directory. You could simply clone and rename one of the existing driver files to create the necessary integration with your preferred SMS providers.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team