• Resolved tatianamk



    This is my blog: penseesduneshoesaholic.com
    I have downloaded WP-Monalisa, which used to work fine until I changed the theme. Now, I went to the FAQ which asked me to check if my textarea ID was the correct one. Thinking that was the problem, I checked: it was the correct one. But the smileys still do not show.

    Did I miss something?

    Thank you in advance.


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  • Plugin Author tuxlog


    Hello Tatiana,

    just checked your site and I can confirm the id is correct.

    Does wp-monalisa work in the editor?
    Can you enable wp-monalisa again, so I can have a look at your site to check for a javascript conflict or similiar.

    Cheers, Hans

    Thread Starter tatianamk



    Thanks for your help! Wp-monalisa is enabled and works when I write articles. Does not work in comments however ??

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Okay, seems your theme does not call the function comment_form(), so wp-monalisa can not hook into your theme and is never called, so the smilies are not shown.

    You can work around this by adding:

    echo get_wpml_comment();

    to the file your theme produces the comment form in. This should be comments.php or something similiar. Place it after the textarea is displayed, should bring the smilies up between textarea and submit button.

    If you have trouble with this. I can change it for you, just send me the required file from your theme.

    Cheers, Hans

    Thread Starter tatianamk


    I have a bit of trouble placing this. This is what my comments.php looks like:

    // Do not delete these lines
    if (!empty($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’]) && ‘comments.php’ == basename($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME’]))
    die (‘Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!’);

    if ( post_password_required() ) { ?>
    <?php echo ‘<p class=”nocomments”>’ . __(‘This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.’, HS_CURRENT_THEME ) . ‘</p>’; ?>
    <!– BEGIN Comments –>
    <?php if ( have_comments() ) : ?>
    <div id=”comments” class=”comment-holder”>
    <h5 class=”comments-h”><?php printf( _n( ‘1 Comment’, ‘%1$s Comments’, get_comments_number(), HS_CURRENT_THEME ),
    number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ), ” );?></h5>
    <div class=”pagination”>
    <?php paginate_comments_links(‘prev_text=Prev&next_text=Next’); ?>
    <ul class=”commentlist”>
    <?php wp_list_comments(‘type=comment&callback=hercules_comment’); ?>

    <div class=”pagination”>
    <?php paginate_comments_links(‘prev_text=Prev&next_text=Next’); ?>
    <?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>

    <?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
    <!– If comments are open, but there are no comments. –>
    <?php echo ‘<p class=”nocomments”>’ . __(‘No Comments Yet.’, HS_CURRENT_THEME ) . ‘</p>’; ?>
    <?php else : // comments are closed ?>
    <!– If comments are closed. –>
    <?php echo ‘<p class=”nocomments”>’ . __(‘Comments are closed.’, HS_CURRENT_THEME ) . ‘</p>’; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php $hercules_comments_args = array(
    // change the title of send button
    ‘label_submit’=> __( ‘Post Comment’,HS_CURRENT_THEME),
    // change the title of the reply section
    ‘title_reply’=> __( ‘Leave a Reply’,HS_CURRENT_THEME),
    // remove “Text or HTML to be displayed after the set of comment fields”
    ‘comment_notes_after’ => ”,
    // redefine your own textarea (the comment body)
    ‘comment_field’ => ‘<p class=”comment-form-comment”><label for=”comment”>’ . _x( ‘Commentaire’, HS_CURRENT_THEME ) . ‘</label>
    <textarea id=”comment” name=”comment” aria-required=”true”></textarea></p>’,

    comment_form($hercules_comments_args); ?>

    I tried placing your code at the very end, before comment_form($hercules_comments_args); ?> but the smilies show up at the top of the comment form and it looks weird. And if I place the code even closer to the end, the smilies don’t show up at all ??

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    please try replacing

    'comment_notes_after' => '',
    'comment_notes_after' => get_wpml_comment(),

    Thread Starter tatianamk


    IT WORKS!!! thank you very much ??

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