• Can anyone help on this…
    when you look on my site you see on the right just below the animated email thing …
    This…. “Maillist nieuwe berichten”
    its dutch so….
    i dont wanna effect the rest of the fonts so i already managed to change the link color into black… and to get the font size the same as the rest.
    But as you can try to validate you can see that its NOT validated..
    But also the form stuff seems like centered and i dont want that cause most of the things there show a little bit different..(look at the search box below)
    So i need to set is so that it matches the rest of the design…
    Any help on these 2 things ?
    <form method="post" action="maillist/index.php">

    <li style="color: #000;">Maillist nieuwe berichten

    <input type="text" name="email" size="12" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="sign up" />

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  • It looks like you forgot to close the previous li …/li
    But closing it may send you back to square one.

    Thread Starter john1000


    Well my only problem now is to get the font color and size the same as the black ones.
    But using li news4 doesnt respond to whjatever i touch,damn i hate it…

    I’m not sure what you mean, or exactly what you want. For what it’s worth, these are my observations regarding the font-sizes you now use:
    Listed below are those that are tiny and *very* difficult to read at 800 x 600. And I don’t know about everybody else, but personally, you gotta have something I *really* want to read before I’m going to waste my time zooming for it.
    At higher screen resolutions, your users are going to need a high-powered microscope. Additionally, that animated email thing is a bad taste horror show– makes it impossible to concentrate on anything, much less your links (not to mention the number it’s doing on my machine).
    1)Filed under: * Generala€?? site admin @ 12:45 am
    2)Links– all 25 0f them
    * googles start
    * Guestbook
    * Smswinkel
    * Stem op deze Blog
    I’ll be back.

    Doesn’t solve the font-size problem, but your CSS will validate the following corrections:
    1. Put /* adjacent to Dave Shea
    2. Two instances:
    list-style: none;
    changes to:
    list-style-type: none;
    3. .feedback
    You have:
    clear: all:
    There’s no “all”. It’s : both; inherit; none; right; left.
    I assume you want:
    clear: both;
    4. menu ul ul li
    Put quotes on:
    ‘Lucidia Grande’
    ‘Lucidia Sans Unicode’

    Okay. Regarding the font- sizes. The setting are below– this is not a definitive list. You’ll need tweak– lots, and lots of tweaking. They cascade so it’s not easy. This is just to get you started:
    meta .9em
    meta li, ul.post-meta li 1.0em
    a font-size 1.25em line-height 1.5em
    news 100%
    #menu ul ul 80% line-height 100%
    #menu ul li 85%
    #menu ul ul li 100%
    Consider trashing GooGle & their tag soup– after all, you want to keep people on your site, not necessarily send them somewhere else, unless there are places that *you* would like them to go…
    If nothing else, can that god awful email thing.

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