Thank you for using the plugin ??
You can adjust the sizes, look and feel of the server status boxes with CSS.
This requires a bt of coding knowledge to understand.
This will adjust the padding of all boxes, this making it smaller.
Change the 10px/20px values accordingly to your liking
.server-box {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 20px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-left: 20px;
If you want to adjust colors or add icons to a server box with specific type of response you have to add the “condition” too.
Please refer to https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-image.asp for documentation about background images.
For example:
.server-box.is-up {
background-image: url("/wp-content/path/to/icon.png");
background-position: center 15px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.server-box.checking {
/* Style while box is checking (yellow state) */
.server-box.is-up {
/* Style for a successful check (green state) */
.server-box.is-down {
/* Style for a failed check (red state) */
You can also apply generel style for a select server box like so.
.server-box.server-XXXX {
/* Replace XXXX with the ID of your server,
visible in Server status admin screen */
Or even make a combination of both for more advanced use cases.
.server-box.is-up.server-XXXX {
/* Replace XXXX with the ID of your server,
visible in Server status admin screen */
Depending on your theme this will have to go in the appropriate .css file,
usually that would be style.css in your theme.
If you’re not using a custom theme or a child-theme, you can put it in the wordpress customizer
Found at: Appearence > Customize > Additional CSS`
Kind Regards
– Allan
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