Hi Nikeo, Thank you for responding!
I have set up a staging copy of the production site and have done a lot of trial and error.
Just tried your above steps but no change. However, the trial and error I have done over the past few days has helped to narrow down and reduce the scope of the problem.
Here is summary of what i have done so far:
a) Restored a copy of the ‘old’ version of your customizr theme into the ‘themes’ directory of my site. The single stacking feature began working again.
I want to use the latest version of your theme, however, so tested it out with rebuilt versions of my child theme (I assumed that it is my child theme which although it works okay with the ‘old’ version of your theme, is the source of the problem with your new version.
b) So i rebuilt the child theme strictly according to ‘best practice’ on your Customizr documentation site. So moved my custom CSS into a ‘style.css’ file. However, i found that i needed to @import the ‘grey.css’ file (this was not explained in documentation) from the parent theme. I then added my custom CSS to the style.css file (in the child theme root folder).
Then most of the pages began stacking in single columns on small mobile device screens e.g. around 300px x ? resolution.. So the only issue now is that i have a custom post type called ‘myraces’. I have created a couple of custom templates to display these: and archive template and a single template. The archive templates displays a list of the ‘my races’ etc…
These pages are not displaying in single stack on small mobile screens. I guess this is due to my dodgy CSS classes used to wrap fields in the templates. I may be using one or two div classes that upset the responsiveness of the site under your latest theme but which I got away with using under the ‘old’ version…
If you have any ideas on this, would be really useful! Otherwise i will probably try rebuilding the templates and experimenting with various twitter bootstrap classes inside them to try to make the pages fully responsive i.e. displaying in a single stack on small device screens.