• Hi,

    Thank you for creating this plugin!

    I noticed a small bug:
    PHP Warning:? Undefined array key "cscf_nonce" in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/clean-and-simple-contact-form-by-meg-nicholas/class.cscf_contact.php on line 80

    Specifically here:

    //check nonce
    if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['cscf_nonce'], 'cscf_contact' ) ) {
    return false;

    I believe this could be fixed by checking if the $_POST[‘cscf_nounce’] is set first, ex:

    // Check if 'cscf_nonce' is set and then verify nonce
    if ( isset( $_POST['cscf_nonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['cscf_nonce'], 'cscf_contact' ) ) {
    // proceed with the form processing
    } else {
    return false;

    Curious why the nonce is not set too.
    Anyway, just wanted to mention in case you are aware of this already.

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  • Plugin Author Alan Fuller


    Not so much a bug a warning ??

    As you may be aware I adopted this plugin so not 100% familiar with all the design choices but from what I can see is, if a page that contains the shortcode is rendered the nonce is checked as a way of detecting a non ajax submission, and if the page is NOT a submission you would get the warning. A sort of design issue.

    I’ll add that to the list.

    Thread Starter ventz


    @alanfuller Ah – did not know you adopted it.

    Thanks for adding it.

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