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  • Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    another question is how to show job listing count by user/author on frontend dashboard?

    Customise whatever adds the user/author and use

    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Hi, Thanks for reply, but this is not working. Actually this generates slug like this but i need jobtitle first and location last in slug.

    And for job listing count i am unable to figure it out. my code is <p class=”author-meta”>
    <span class=”listing-count”><?php printf(
    _n( ‘%d Jobs Created’, ‘%d Jobs Created’, $wp_query->found_posts, ‘text-domain’ ),
    $wp_query->found_posts );

    but it is not working. please help.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    I know the snippet isn’t exactly how you asked – you have to modify it and re-aarrange the contents.

    As for the other function, you’ve not even used the function I suggested. count_user_posts gets the count of jobs a specific user has posted.

    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Alright. I have tried several times to modify it but did not get exactly what i want. please can you re-arrenge it for me? Thanks.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    Show me your latest attempt ??

    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Hi, I have Succeeded in getting user post count. this worked for me:

    <p class=”author-meta”>
    <span class=”listing-count”><?php printf( __( ‘%d Listing Created’, ‘wp-job-manager’ ), count_user_posts($current_user_id = get_current_user_id(), “job_listing” ) ); ?></span></p>

    But with slug structure i failed.

    I tried:

    add_filter( ‘submit_job_form_save_job_data’, ‘custom_submit_job_form_save_job_data’, 10, 5 );

    function custom_submit_job_form_save_job_data( $data, $post_title, $post_content, $status, $values ) {

    $job_slug = array();

    $job_slug[] = $post_title;
    $data[‘post_name’] = implode( ‘-‘, $job_slug );

    // Prepend location
    if ( ! empty( $values[‘job’][‘job_location’] ) )
    $job_slug[] = $values[‘job’][‘job_location’];

    return $data;

    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Hi, one more issue: with 10k categories, very slow database queries causing db errors or endless site loading. Using VPS with 2gb ram.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    What DB errors? There will be optimisations in the next update, but it may be something else if you get actual errors.

    $job_slug = array();
    $job_slug[] = $post_title;
    if ( ! empty( $values['job']['job_location'] ) ) {
      $job_slug[] = $values['job']['job_location'];
    $data['post_name'] = implode( '-', $job_slug );
    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Hi, Thanks, but this is not working. It is generating only

    but i need

    due to slow my sql queries site loading endless.

    SELECT t.*, tt.*
    FROM wp_terms AS t
    INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt
    ON t.term_id = tt.term_id
    WHERE tt.taxonomy IN (‘job_listing_categories’)
    ORDER BY ASC W3_Db->default_query+ 0.0811
    $wpdb Queries

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    0.08 is not a slow query.

    Remember this code only affects new listings submitted from the frontend form. Not the admin.

    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Ok but after disabling categories site works fine.

    above slug snnipets is not working for me. It is generating only

    but i need

    Please help.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    Thread Starter Sanjay


    Yes, Its working… You are my superhero. Many Thanks. ??

    Just one issue with 10k categories slow database queries…

    You are the man. Thank you Mike!

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    Could it be the select box where you select a category on the search/submission forms? This outputs all categories..

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley


    Could it be the select box where you select a category on the search/submission forms? This outputs all categories..

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