• The plugin works but the problem is it slows my website down by 2 whole seconds (I have created two forms). The the confirmation emails go straight to spam. I had to install an SMTP plugin to get Ninja Forms and WordPress to send confirmation emails – in fairness, I am not sure if this is a WordPress problem or a Ninja Forms problem, or a combination of both. Ninja Forms also installs a banner in the dashboard that keeps hassling you for a review. Other than that it’s pretty straightforward to use but I am looking for something more efficient.

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  • I am not sure if this is a WordPress problem or a Ninja Forms problem

    Neither. Not using an approved SMTP server for your domain is a sure fire way to get flagged as Spam, which is why the SMTP plugin solves the issue.

    Plugin Contributor Zach Skaggs


    Wow! That’s definitely not a typical experience…if that were happening on all of our users sites we would definitely know about it (we use it on all of our sites, too!)

    We would love you help you with the slowness issue if you can describe in detail what’s going on (when is your site slower, what version are you running, etc) and how you know Ninja Forms is causing it. We offer free support with no registration needed here: https://ninjaforms.com/contact/

    Jason was correct about the SMTP issue…WordPress/Ninja Forms need a properly configured email server to send messages.

    Our banner only appears one time asking if you’d like to leave a review. It will also appear a few weeks in letting you know how to contact us for free support if you need any help. I’m sorry if that intrusive…we just wanted to make sure our users know the best way to contact us for assistance.

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