Hi @damojo.
We’re sorry to hear that you’ve had such a negative experience with the Yoast SEO plugin. We’d like to try and address the concerns you’re facing.
If you’re experiencing any issues or conflicts such as Site Kit, if you could open a forum thread or reach out to support directly (with a premium subscription), and provide specific details such as screenshots of the error or specific notices, we’d like to know about it and address it.
As for blocking the Redirection plugin, we’re not familiar with this conflict. The redirect manager is available in Yoast SEO Premium, but you should still be able to use the free version of Yoast SEO with other plugins like Redirection. Could you also provide more details on what “block” you’re experiencing so we can undersand this further?
We don’t agree when you say that the plugin is a “scam”, as we do try our best to ensure that it is secure, has sensible and useful features that help you optimize and improve your website and its content, and the SEO as a whole. We don’t “tank” other plugins, as you may know, new features and new releases will always have the possibility for plugin conflicts and compatibility issues, which we try our best to address with future plugin updates or patch releases.
As for the plugin having terribly slow performance, this varies on a lot of factors such as your own website’s requirements in terms of WordPress version, PHP, server memory, how much content is on the website itself, all which are different from website to website. We try to make sure our plugin is performant and works well for most sites, however, we do understand if there are outliers or websites with custom or special implementations that don’t work well with the default setup of the plugin. If you could share some more information or reach out to support again, we’d like to try and address this as well.