Your suggestion, which would entail performing a server-side search for each page load (through all of a page’s content within WYSIWYG, all the loaded widgets, etc.) just to check if a video exists, is computationally expensive and would slow down your site. You can imagine this check getting worse and worse with a page that has lots of content to search through.
You’d be much better off bundling and minifying all your site’s scripts/CSS using a plugin like autoptimize. Once you do that, then subsequent page loads for a visitor would simply keep loading the same bundled CSS and JS directly from the browser cache, rather than requesting different combinations of scripts from your server. Your suggested approach would end up busting any caching mechanism, since your approach would treat pages differently by tailoring what scripts to include.
It’s better for a browser to cache 1 CSS file and 1 JS file that contains everything your site needs *once*, rather than having several unique combinations of tailored script inclusions on a per-page basis. Furthermore, your store locator, contact form 7, colorbox, etc. plugins are all also susceptible to the same tailored-script-inclusion trap, since those plugins are also used only sporadically throughout your site.
If for some reason you still want to do this, you could use a plugin like this that will let you control all your plugins: However, we still recommend using it in conjunction with a bundling/minification plugin like autoptimize for best results.
-EmbedPlus Team
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by