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  • Hi willywhy try to deactivate all your other plugins and test to see if the speed improves. If it does then you know that there is a conflict with another plugin. Start enabling one by one and testing at the same time to see which one is the problem plugin.

    If the above does not make any differences then change the theme to WordPress default and see what happens.


    There are some serious issues with loading resources in this plugin. The admin-ajax.php?action=slideshow_jquery_image_gallery_load_stylesheet&style=style-light&ver=2.2.21
    call to load the stylesheet dynamically result in almost 2 second load time.

    60ms blocking and 1.97s of waiting. After that the styles are loaded and the images are fetched


    resulting in additional ~30ms loading time after the stylesheet was loaded.
    Only getting this information the DOM is loaded.

    Looking at the stylesheet, the problem is that the urls of the background image are generated for what ever reason.

    Can someone give me more information on why this is handled this way? Any way to disable this, so that I could put these images to theme directory and add styles to the main style.css file? Therefore removing this dynamic loading styles.

    Note that ligth-bullet.png sometimes have 20s waiting time.

    Looks like it is requested through the jqeury.

    Loading the slideshow css through wp-admin/admin-ajax.php seriously slows down my site. It adds about 1.5s to the load time, according to Pingdom Website Speed Test

    Like kYem said, is it possible to load the slideshow css statically, so that we do not have to rely on admin-ajax.php?

    Hey Stephan or mrbsolution,

    Perhaps this may help? Faster Ajax For WordPress by raz ohad –

    I’m not a developer, so I don’t even know if it’s possible to implement this into your plugin.

    Hi and thank you for that valuable information.

    I am sure @stephan will look into this as he is the developer. I just help out as much as I can.


    Was there ever a fix to this problem? I am facing the same issue.


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