• Resolved belady5



    Pixgrid seemed to work like magic until I found that my slideshow disappeared. I tried to insert it again, but it fails to insert. I removed all and any possibly incompatible plugins but to no avail.

    The name of the plugin that I use is : slideshow gallery by tribulant software.



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  • Plugin Author manuelmasia



    you’re right, the plugin you use generate some empty paragraph that PixGridder get rid of to avoid extra vertical spaces (I mean <p></p> without any content inside).

    I tried to anticipate the priority for the filter the remove the empty tags. Hope this fixes your issue. Let me know after updating please.

    Manuel ??

    Thread Starter belady5


    Hi Manuel,
    Thanks for your quick reply. I’m not sure I understand what to do. I know that it still doesn’t work.
    Are you saying that it will never work? In that case do you suggest that I try something else?

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    No, I didn’t say that. I’ve just released PixGridder 1.0.1, you should see the update available on your plugin page or updates section. Just update PixGridder and let me know.

    Manuel ??

    Thread Starter belady5


    Updated, even uninstalled and re-installed and still doesn’t work ??

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    It seems to work fine for me: https://www.pixedelic.com/test-slideshow/

    Could you provide a URL please to see the problem?

    Thread Starter belady5


    Huh! Never know why its like that with technology. Now it worked just fine, after uninstalling and re-installing the second time! Even the cp google maps didn’t work the second time around.

    and cheers for the Italians ??

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    So… may I consider the topic as resolved?

    Thread Starter belady5


    Ah..sorry I meant to click on that but forgot. Also, a 5 star rating would be coming soon.

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    Thank you in advance, in this case ??

    Thread Starter belady5


    Hi Manuel,
    I’m back ??
    Alright, it seems that the problem with the slideshow is still there. Or half of it at least. Because I was able to insert it the third time I tried (like I told you). Now, the ones that I used still work. But I cannot add any new ones. (In the beginning before the upgrade, even old ones disappeared. Now they’re here but I can’t add new ones.) As I said, I managed on my third attempts, and after I succeeded, and the already installed ones work but I can no longer add. (I’m aware that I can add only one slideshow from this plugin per page.


    Thread Starter belady5


    Also, unlike other plugins, when you uninstall and reinstall the previous arrangement of content is lost.

    Thanks again

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    Sorry for the late reply. Still working on it.

    Plugin Author manuelmasia


    Hi, I just released v.1.1.0. The problem with the plugin you use was it doesn’t look for the active editor when it attempts to insert the shortcode, but it assumes that the editor is the default one.

    I tried to avoid this issue by replicating the default editor (with the same ID but different content) for the columns too, when you open the dialog boxes. It should fix the problem, however a feedback from you would be appreciated.

    TIA and sorry for the issue. Manuel ??

    Thread Starter belady5



    Perfect and thanks ??

    Plugin Author manuelmasia



    I just released PixGridder 1.2.0 because to fix the issue with your slideshow plugin I created many other issues with other plugins. If you prefer do not update, otherwise please ask the author of the plugin to include the shortcode in the visual editor by checking what is the active editor, instead of assuming that it is the default one.

    Manuel ??

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