Hi again
thanx for your help! I’m new to the whole wordpress thing, so all I did until now is: Installing some themes and playing around with them until I was happy with the theme options and looks (which I definitly am with Panoramic), uploaded a Logo and created some random menues for testing. I didn’t install any plugins yet.
I am not sure about any more details, that I could give you. What I actually do is going to the theme options panel, choosing the Slider, trying to activate the “Default Slider” or “Slider PlugIn”.
The Default Slider is actually showing my pictures on the main page, but not as a slider but one below the other with some text next to it.
When I choose the Huge IT Slider plugin with the default slider show (“my first slider”) for testing, I fill in the shortcode that is provided, can see wordpress working for some seconds but nothing actually happens on the page.
Thanx a lot, ivex.