Just had a very frustrating hour+! I attempted to make the change per ElectricFeet’s suggestion to disable the “Pause” completely by editing class-header-slider.php . FYI – I had updated the theme about a week ago so I had been using version 3.0.14.
The change blew up the site. I could not get back into the site NOR the WordPress Login. I could not “fix” the problem by replacing the modified file with the backup of the file that I had performed just before the edit. I had to download (and re-install – via FTP) the complete theme (Ver. 3.0.14). The site is now working again.
I then made the change again to class-header-slider.php but there is no difference. The cursor still “pauses” the slider. At least the site is still working but I am nervous – at best.
Can someone confirm that the change to class-header-slider.php that ElectricFeet suggested actually works with Version 3.0.14. I suspect that the change was originally done on Version 3.0.8.
If I can remove the “pause” , that will suffice for the moment.
Thanks in advance . . .