I’m not sure if you read my previous reply, but you either didn’t understand what I said, or completely bypassed the part that says, that my plugin doesn’t touch any file on your site.
In fact, every single plugin on the official repositories is verified by the wordpress team to ensure that it doesn’t have destructive behaviour.
Furthermore, all plugins existing here, are exactly just that (plugins). That means, disabling any plugin, will make wordpress not using it at all.
To be even clearer, disabling FVM will simply return wordpress to its original state… but dont misunderstand my words here. By returning to the original state, I mean that FVM will simply not be in use anymore. There is nothing to be reverted, only a layer of functionality that was added on top, that can be enabled or disabled any time.
If you don’t understand how wordpress plugins work, please google about it. A plugin doesn’t modify your site files themes or other plugins.
You talked about a recurrent issue with my plugin showing memory issues… Well, I read every single support request and don’t see that.
Can you perhaps point me to some of those, where people didn’t actually admit it was server related?
A server runs out of memory due to multiple situations. It can happen to any plugin or like you said, with FVM alone on your site.
That doesn’t mean it happens to the other 20,000+ sites using FVM, because people use diferent servers, themes, and other plugins.
A memory issue is server related.
A site or plugin tries to do something normal, and the server is so slow or is so restricted, that it cannot process the request, thus showing that message. It may not happen all the time, because the server load is not constant.
The key here, is to check wheter it happens once in a while or always, and if you google that error, its very easy to find how cheap / old / low quality hosting, place memory limits on even a default install of wordpress.
Can you post a screenshot, of the server settings tab on FVM? That page exists for situations like these, where we need to see what are the server capabilities.
All that being said, I have so many years of experience troubleshooting wordpress sites, that “I Know” (definetely), that if the site doesn’t work when you disable a plugin such as FVM (or a cache plugin), that its something server cache related.
There is no way around it other than to ask the hosting to purge the file structure caching.
If you read some support requests, you can read exactly about this.
Some hosting providers use remote slow storage… so they cache your files in such a way, that even if you purge your cache and physically delete all your wordpress files… the server still has them in the memory.
I’m not going to discuss further about your hosting, especially when you think you know better and immediatly discard that possibility, even though any developer will tell you otherwise.
Also to be crystal clear about this, please read the license for GPL plugins, for any wordpress plugin here.
Its your sole responsability to keep backups, or if you break your site while using any plugin from the repositories of www.remarpro.com
Neither I, WordPress or any theme / plugin author have the “responsability” to fix your site when you install anything from here.
Don’t get me wrong here… I am just making things clear, so you understand that I will help you, but I actually have no “obligation” to do so.
Sure, I care about my product and I don’t want your site to break because of it.
Unfortunately, I know its a server cache issue (or your browser too) because activating FVM makes it work again.
If you purge the cache on FVM status page, it will still work… however, I am 99% sure it will stop working when someone restarts the server and the cache is gone.
Whichever reason, I can help you fixing it, however You need to contact me via fastvelocity.com contact form, since I am not allowed here to ask for other information that can help me solve your issue.