• Resolved urticaria.cronica


    Hi @ifreelancelot,

    First of all, thanks a lot for the theme, we like it a lot and we are using the premium version in our site: https://www.urticariacronica.org.

    There is a (missing?) feature that we would love to have, so we are asking for help on how to do it or to add the feature to the theme.

    In the slider, we would love to be able to link the whole image to a page. It’s something that we find pretty useful.

    Thanks a lot for your attention.

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  • Theme Author Freelancelot



    great to hear you like my theme!

    Unfortunately there is no out the box functionality to achieve this as www.remarpro.com doesn’t allow post-level theme options such as a custom field to specify a link for the slide.

    However it can be done with some CSS trickery if you’re comfortable with that.

    In the WYSIWYG editor of the slide post you would need to put the following. With the link pointing to your desired page or URL and the div below it would be the slide overlay text, should you require some.

    <p style="height:100%; width:100%; position: absolute; z-index: 1;">
    <a href="/page-url/" style="width:100%; height:100%; display: block;"></a>
    <div style="top: 30%; margin-top:-26px; width: 100%; text-align: center;">
    This is the slide text

    You would also need to make a minor tweek to the stylesheet of the theme. For this I recommend installing a custom CSS plugin to prevent your changes being overwritten should you apply any future theme updates.

    I recommend SiteOrigin’s CSS editor. You can install it by logging into the WordPress admin of your site and going to Plugins > Add New.

    Then type into the search box on the top right “siteorigin css” and hit enter. It will be one of the first results that you see.

    Install that and when it’s done click “activate”.

    Then go to Appearance > Customs CSS.

    This will show you a screen with a text editor containing any custom CSS you have implemented, so it will be blank to begin with.

    In here you should place the following:

    .home-slider div .overlay {
    	top: 0;
    	margin-top: 0;
    	height: 100%;

    Click the “Save CSS” button below the text editor and your styling changes will now be applied to the site. These style changes are independent of the theme itself and are safe from being overwritten by any future theme updates that may occur.

    Once you’ve done that your entire slide will now be linked.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter urticaria.cronica


    Thank you very much, it helped!

    I have applied those changes here as mentioned but it does not make the intire slider image clickable. It does only make the caption text clickable.
    Kind regards

    Theme Author Freelancelot


    Hi Henrik,

    strange that it didn’t work for you. Could you give me a link so I can check out your site?

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