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  • So I tried 3 sites. All of them deactivated the plugin on the update, two of them worked after the update and reactivation and one still is having problems.

    The one having problems is one of the ones I updated yesterday and had to reinstall a bunch of times.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi @sumy Designs, that’s unusual. The plugin should reactivate after the update has completed. After update process are you getting the message “Plugin has been reactivated successfully”? It may take a couple of moments to appear.

    When uninstalling the plugin in attempting to start the upgrade afresh, be sure to check the option “Check this box if you would like Easing Slider to completely remove all of its data when the plugin is deleted.” in the Easing Slider “Settings”. Then, re-install as planned.

    Apologies for the inconvenience, we will get this all resolved ??

    If you can also enable WordPress debugging as mentioned previously, that’d be awesome. May give us more hints as to what is occurring!

    Matthew, I actually am updating my plugins from ManageWP, so I’m not actually logged into any of the sites when I run the update. I have too many sites to update each one individually.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Ah ok. Unfortunately I’ve no personal experience using ManageWP, so I can’t advise whether this behaviour is related to it or Easing Slider. My best advise to find this out would be to try update by logging into WordPress on just a single site, and seeing if the process yields different results.

    If it’s all a-ok, I can’t imagine there is much else Easing Slider can do as that would suggest the difficulties are out of it’s control.

    That said, I’d imagine ManageWP will re-activate the plugin after updating it.

    I logged into the dashboard on two sites and ran the update, and again, the plugin was deactivated after it updated on both sites.The error I got says this:

    The plugin easing-slider/easingsliderlite.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.

    The good news is that after I activated, my slider still worked. But it’s clearly not ManageWP causing the deactivation.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Ok. It’s likely because we’ve changed the main plugin file name from ‘easingsliderlite.php’ to ‘easing-slider.php’ to conform with WordPress coding standards. This hasn’t presented us with any issues during development or testing, so it may be isolated to some hosting environments. Don’t think there is anything we can do unfortunately to prevent this ??

    Ok, so … I updated to version and still had a broken template/site.

    Now I have gone into my theme layout and edited code from

    <div align=”center”>
    <?php if ( function_exists( ‘easingsliderlite’ ) ) { easingsliderlite(); } ?>
    </div> `


    <div align=”center”>
    <?php if ( function_exists( ‘easingslider‘ ) ) { easingslider(); } ?>

    and now the site loads again, but no slider appears.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Hi @aly22, did you follow the advice mentioned previously to re-install the plugin and enable the option to delete its data while doing so?

    How many sliders are you now seeing in the “All Sliders” panel? If just one, does it contain slides?

    Try this template function instead.

    <div align="center">
    <?php if ( function_exists( 'easing_slider' ) ) { easing_slider(); } ?>

    It’s the old function, and I don’t recommend using it, but it will work. Ideally, use this code with the ID of your slider.

    <?php if ( function_exists( 'easing slider' ) ) { easingslider( ID_HERE ); } ?>

    I did not re-install or delete data, will try that next. I simply updated with your latest update version.

    Using the old function:

    <div align="center">
    <?php if ( function_exists( 'easing_slider' ) ) { easing_slider(); } ?>

    caused the site content to disappear again.

    Using your ideal code:

    <div align="center">
    <?php if ( function_exists( 'easing slider' ) ) { easingslider( 3942 ); } ?>

    restores the site/page but still no slider. Am I inserting the ID correctly?

    I only have the 1 slider after deleting the dupes last night. It does contain/include my original 3 images from before the update. So that part is on track.

    Plugin Author MatthewRuddy


    Ok. Follow my advice mentioned previously.

    When uninstalling the plugin in attempting to start the upgrade afresh, be sure to check the option “Check this box if you would like Easing Slider to completely remove all of its data when the plugin is deleted.” in the Easing Slider “Settings”. Then, re-install as planned.

    This is the only way to have the plugin start the update afresh, and remove any corrupted data.

    Hi Matthew,

    A quick update. I updated the php versions of my sites to all 5.3+ and then updated the plugin to the latest release.

    All sites are now working well.

    To anyone who is just now updating. Make sure that if you have sliders linked in your theme that you update the php script in the templates that link to the slider. I forgot to do this on one of the sites I manage and I am sad to admit that it took me a while to realize why only the header was loading on it’s homepage.

    Once again. Thanks for the awesome plugin and for the great support!

    Ok, so I checked on “Remove all data” and de-activated, then deleted the plugin.

    Then I installed through WP admin and upon clicking “activate” it just began to spin, bringing down my server – another heavy load spike. Server is down (this is what happened with the very first update last night) and likely will take another half hour before I can get it restarted.

    Thought I might add this, in case it helps aly22. I actually had to go into phpmyadmin to delete all the easingslider posts (5000+) that were created during the initial update before I could install the latest version without having a similar issue.

    I’ve also had the issue of the latest update not working. I ended up going all the way back to version as the page I had the slider on (my landing page) started with the first image then did something “strange”. Not sure how to upload a screen shot of the issue (its hard to explain). I do not want nor should I have to edit any php files – just update the file and be done (I don’t have time to deal with other changes on my site).

    Thanks, Ryan!
    EDIT: Sorry I found the posts are in Posts (duh ;))
    Deleting those now and trying again.

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