the author has clearly abandoned updating it for now. the forum on his site has several reports of the bug regarding images not loading since people have updated wordpress. The plugin page on his site says “seeing is believing” yet nothing loads on his site either. lol…. I would suggest finding a new plugin.
However, if you want it to work in the interim… you could fix it. I tried directory permissions, I added code to wp-config.php, I removed code from “thethe-image-slider.php” within the plugins folder and none of that worked…
this is what worked for me… using FTP go to your themes folder and make a copy of your “functions.php” file in case you mess it up. then add this code to the functions.php file.
If you dont use FTP, you can also do through WP admin. go to appearance, editor and the file will be listed on the right. Just select all text and copy it to a text file on your computer as your backup.)
function thethe_fix() { $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https:" : "http:"; wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script("jquery", $protocol."//", array('json2'), '1.8.3'); } if (!is_admin()) add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'thethe_fix', 20 );
then go to your page with the slider and hit refresh. if it doesn’t load, don’t be shocked. I simply created a new slider with the same dimensions, slides etc and it works great.
hope that helps you before you have pulled out all your hair.