That pages shows NOTHING about auto rotate. I did ctrl+f to search the page for “auto” and it finds nothing.
Oh….I see. I you mouse over the labels in the feature table there is a tool tip that comes up….and THERE it says autoplay. There is no way for me to have known there was a tool tip there.
I think the bottom line with this theme and even your website is you don’t understand end users and how much they get confused when you don’t use good standards in the layout. From the misuse of the hamburger nav for the sidebar instead of mobile nav…and to not communicating properly your pro features….
My assumption was there was no built in way to autoplay so I hacked your theme and figured out how to get it to autoplay. And the client has decided they are happy with the free fonts. You lost an upgrade because of struggles getting your free theme to work which made us not want to risk paying for the upgrade.
Its a nice looking theme but not well executed…
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by