Need some help with the Slider Block. Using the Blocksy theme. I watched the tutorial and noticed there are some options I don’t have like image gap, peek and height. Then after I saved it I got an error message saying that “This block contains unexpected or invalid content” Can you help? Is it a compatibility issue with Blocksy?
I haven’t made the page public.
This topic was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by eventide0.
I have tested on a fresh instance and this theme shouldn’t cause such incompatibilities. Please make sure that you have the latest versions installed both for the Otter plugin and for your theme. After uploading/selecting the photos you want to use for the slider, these options should be there even with Blocksy. The image gap and peek options appear only if you set the slider to show more than 1 image per page, and the height option appears under the style tab under the block settings in the right panel.