Hi @tcflip
I checked the link what I found on textuploader.com, and what I currently see is that you are using the Image Layer and you are displaying separate images for desktop and for mobile.
So, do you probably mean the gap around the images in landscape mobile view? If you do, then what you need to know about the Image Layer – https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/361-image-layer – is that, it keeps the ratios of the original image.
So when the layer and the image ratios differ, these gaps can occur around the image.
But if you goals is to make the images fill the slider, then you should rather set the images as Slide background images at Slide Settings > Background tab > Image: https://smartslider3.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1295-slide-settings-background#image-tab
Important note: If you are using the default Fill fill mode, it make the image as big as it needs to be to cover the area of the slider. This also means that, if the slider and image ratios differ, the image will be cropped.
For such cases we have the Focus X and Y setting, which can be used for focusing on a certain part of the image.
Best regards,