• I have a slider on the front page that someone created for me. For some reason it stopped working. I am wondering if someone can help me out and tell me why or tell me how to put a new slide show on their?

    the site is https://www.fightstylez.com
    I have this code in my index.php file that I think is the slider:
    <div id=”left”>
    <div id=”slider”>
    <?php // if (class_exists(‘Gallery’)) { $Gallery = new Gallery(); $Gallery -> slideshow($output = true, $post_id = null); } ?>
    <?php { nggSlideshowWidget(6,600,285); }?>


    I “think” it is an older version of nextgen gallery but not sure. That might be the problem, but not sure if I am supposed to update the gallery/slide show or what is wrong?

    Any help would be appreciated. I have already read and tried a bunch of things and I am stuck.

    Thank You.

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