Slide big html object
[ Moderator note: don’t put ` [question]` in the topic titles. They’re all questions already. ]
Dear WordPress developers,
My name is Gerwin and i am trying to make my custom build case system in my WordPress website in an slider. This is an screen of the elements i would like to slide: is there any way of doing this? i am an absolute beginner in javascript and php so i don’t have clue on how to do this.
The code of the elements i want to slide is:
<div class="content grey portfolio"> <div class="grid-slider"> <?php if(get_field('case-items', 'option')): ?> <?php while(has_sub_field('case-items', 'option')): ?> <center><h2><?php the_sub_field('case-heading');?></h2></center> <div class="choice-case-con"> <ul> <li>SEO</li> <li>SEA</li> <li>Retargeting</li> <li>Webdesign</li> </ul> </div> <!-- browser !--> <div class="left-cases"> <div class="browser"> <!-- browser search top !--> <div class="browser-balk"> <div class="browser-balk-top"> <div class="dots-holder"> <div class="dot red"></div> <div class="dot yellow"></div> <div class="dot green"></div> </div> <div class="website-title"> <p><?php the_sub_field('website-naam');?></p> </div> </div> <div class="browser-balk-bottom"> <!-- previous and next button !--> <div class="next-previous"> <div class="previous"> <i class="fa fa-caret-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> <div class="next"> <i class="fa fa-caret-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </div> <!-- previous and next button !--> <div class="input-balk"> <input type="text" name="url" placeholder="<?php the_sub_field('website-naam');?>"> </div> <div class="dot-search"> </div> <div class="input-balk-search"> <input type="text" name="url"> </div> </div> <!-- browser search top end!--> <div class="image-load"> <img src="<?php the_sub_field('website-image');?>"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="review"> <div class="rate"> <h2><?php the_sub_field('case-review');?></h2> <div class="stars"> <div class="star"><i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="star"><i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="star"><i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="star"><i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="star"><i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> </div> </div> </div> <article> <i><?php the_sub_field('case-review-tekst');?></i> </article> <div class="author"> - <?php the_sub_field('case-auhor');?> </div> </div> <!-- browser !--> <div class="info-area"> <div class="into"> <subhead> <h2><?php the_sub_field('website-naam');?></h2> <h4><?php the_sub_field('featured-snippet-subhead');?></h4> </subhead> </div> <div class="featured-snippet"> <p> <img src="<?php the_sub_field('featured-snippet-logo');?>" align="right" width="160px" style="margin:10px;"> <?php the_sub_field('featured_snippet');?> </p> <h4><?php the_sub_field('featured-snippet-seotitle');?></h4> <h5><a href="#" rel="nofollow"><?php the_sub_field('full-website-link');?></a></h5> </div> <div class="button-border" style="float:left; margin-top:10px;"> <button class="ver-con">Bekijk meer projecten</button> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--.grey portofolio-->
I tried some others plugins but i don’t think it works that way. I hope someone can help me. Next week i need to get this done for my school exams.
Thanks for reading this, i would love an awesome reaction and solution on this!
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