Sleek, nice, DEUTSCH, gutes Tool!
Tried a handful of Survey Plugins (some ppl just can′t tell what a real survey differs from a poll) beforehand and this one suits me nice. Had no problems at all, fine, thank you! Und ich hatte eigentlich schon Loco Translate ausgepackt, um die übersetzung zu machen und siehe da: DEUTSCHER SPRACHSUPPORT. Wunderbar.
One remark: The CVS export should be named CSV export, of course ??
Room for improvement: Result showing on the page with upright text under the colums just looks damn strange. Maybe there is a better solution for this in the future (i.e. 45 angle text, some sort of overlay or show the columns from left to right with the question text inside?)
Thank you anyway for your good work, keep it up!
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