• Resolved JG99


    Hello, I am really struggling with this plugin, trying to get it to work properly. I want it to display different categories for individual posts. Anybody had success with it?

    Thanks for the feedback.

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  • MichaelH


    Okay assuming you have that plugin installed and activated, then visit Appearances->Widgets and drag the PHP Code Widget to the appropriate sidebar then put that code in the widget.

    Thread Starter JG99


    OK! I understand! Sorry that I overcomplicated things in my mind.

    So now IT’S WORKING!

    One small tweak I would like to make:

    With PHP Code Widget, I can write a “title.” In this case, I am titling it “Categories.”

    However, in your code you have the following line:

    $wlc_param_list=’orderby=name&show_count=1&title_li=Categories on first post&include=’ . $cats;

    Can I remove the “Categories on first post” somehow? That way, each page will simply show “Categories” (the title I have given the PHP Code Widget).

    How would I alter the code you have given me to accomplish this?

    THANK YOU MICHAELH! I really appreciate your help!



    $wlc_param_list='orderby=name&show_count=1&title_li=&include=' . $cats;

    Thread Starter JG99


    Michael, that’s brilliant – I can’t thank you enough.

    One more tweak, sorry to be such a bother:

    As it stands now, the number of times each category appears shows up in parentheses, for example:

    Burritos (3)

    Is there a way to eliminate the number and the parentheses around it, so that it is simply “Burritos?”

    Thank you again.



    See if you can find the answer in the wp_list_categories() article.

    Hint: it involves the show_count argument.

    Thread Starter JG99


    OK! I figured it out! Michael, you are the man!

    P.S. – Do you think we should clean up this thread a little, maybe remove some of the unnecessary posts where I pasted in all the code? Also, Otto’s email address is on here, don’t want him getting a bunch of spam emails as a result. I leave it up to you – thanks again for helping me!

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