SKU in wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php (checkout page)?
Hi, I’m developing a store in my local machine (localhost) and I’m trying to show SKU in checkout page.
I’m using
WordPress version: 3.7.1
WP e-Commerce version: 3.8.12I tried with the next piece of code that I found at this link
<?php echo wpsc_product_sku(wpsc_cart_item_product_id()); ?>
Anyway, the code it isn’t working. But if I use the next piece of code sku is printed.
<?php echo $sku = get_post_meta(130, '_wpsc_sku' , true); ?>
130 is the post id of the product (handcoded). So, I tried something like this:
<?php $id = wpsc_cart_item_product_id(); echo $sku = get_post_meta($id, '_wpsc_sku' , true); ?>
But…I noticed that in checkout page, the product id isn’t the same as post id for each item. In wpsc-single_product.php the product id and post id are the same value.
Does anyone known how to print SKU value in checkout page?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
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