• I have a simple animated loader image that BJ Lazy Load will not ignore.

    img src='/img/loading.gif' width='16px' height='16px' alt='Loading' title='Loading' class='wpfp-hide wpfp-img'

    If I add wpfp-hide wpfp-img it doesn’t ignore it, if I add wpfp-hide, wpfp-img it doesn’t ignore it. No matter how I input it into the option box to skip the image it won’t work. Is this feature working for anyone?


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  • There are many posts with no response from the author because he can not fix it.

    Plugin Author Bj?rn Johansen


    There are many posts with no response from the author because his time is very limited. This is a plugin he use himself and have released to the public so that whoever wants to, can also use it. Doing support for random people is in no way part of the deal – and there isn’t even a deal. Whenever I come across something that doesn’t work, I fix it. If I need a new feature, I’ll implement it. You are very welcome to to the same. I however, do not have the time to fix everybody’s broken JavaScripts or other unrelated bugs for free.

    The ignore images with class feature works fine on all my sites, and I have not been able to reproduce this. If somebody gives me access to a faulty site or is able to give details on WHY something isn’t working, I can fix it.

    Yes, this feature works. What did you do to break it?

    Hi Bj?rn, thanks for releasing this free plugin!

    Is there a way to target images by a parent class?

    I just found this problem myself and was about to report it, with the solution!

    The problem is that it will not detect the skip class if the class attribute is defined with single quotes (as you have in your example there @sho-down).
    See line 182 (version 0.7.5)

    Simply change those to double quotes and you’ll be back in business.

    The plugin should be updated to support both double and single quotes as it does in other places already.

    I solved the problem by changing “$skip_images_regex” in “bj-lazy-load.php” (line 185):

    $skip_images_regex = sprintf( '/class=".*(%s).*"/s', implode( '|', $skip_images_preg_quoted ) );

    $skip_images_regex = sprintf( '/class=["\'].*(%s).*["\']/s', implode( '|', $skip_images_preg_quoted ) );

    Meanwhile a future release….

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