Sizes Auto Rendering in Chrome
Note to the developer of Featured Images in RSS for Mailchimp & More
I wanted to bring to your attention a bug (feature?) that we were able to fix by editing the plug-in’s PHP code. I wanted to bring it to your attention and hope that you will include this fix in any subsequent update.
Here’s how the bug presented itself: We use a Mailchimp newsletter template to generate a periodic newsletter with the latest post excerpts shown. Attachments 1A and 1B show the Mailchimp template and its code.? Attachment 2 was the newsletter created by that template (using the featured image from your plugin in our RSS feed, as rendered in the Chrome browser.? ?Notice how the featured image in the fourth post and all subsequent ones are constrained vertically and distorted badly.? Firefox and Safari don’t show the distortion.
<span style=”box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;”>It turns out that Chrome has a default setting if it encounters “auto” in the image sizes. I’m not technical enough to explain this in detail, but our engineering consultant isolated the problem and modified one of the functions in your plug-in. His revised code for the function that created the issue is attached in Attachment 3.? And Attacment 4 is the modified code as now running on our server.? (And it creates?newsl</span>etters?that don’t distort the images on any of the RSS items!)
I hope you can edit your basic code so that this fix is incorporated in any subsequent updates to the plugin.? I’m probably not the only one having into this problem because Chrome is widespread, Mailchimp is widespread and WordPress is widespread.
Please let me know what you decide to do. If you need anything else from me, just ask. Good luck!
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