On visiting https://botanopia.com/sitemap_index.xml, we can confirm the following error:
error on line 3 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
This is usually caused when an empty?whitespace or a blank line appears due to a conflict with another plugin or your theme. Usually, there is an empty space or a blank line before or after the closing PHP opening or closing tag, which shouldn’t be there.
You can narrow down the exact source of conflict by performing a?conflict check. Once you have identified whether your theme or a plugin causes the issue, please contact?the developers of that theme or plugin for assistance in finding and removing the whitespace.
As we can imagine that you’re unfamiliar with checking for conflicts, we’d like to point you to a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process:?How to check for plugin conflicts.
If you do not feel comfortable to do this yourself or if this does not solve your issue, our Yoast SEO Premium plugin comes with one year of (technical) support.