Hi @fischgeek,
Certainly I’d be happy to assist you with your query. As the Dashboard Sharing feature isn’t available to you at this point, based on your comments, you have a couple of options when it comes to using Site Kit for your clients. Note also that we do plan on making Dashboard Sharing available to all Site Kit users very soon.
Option 1: If you’re client has a full WordPress administrator account, you can suggest your clients set up Site Kit while also connecting the Google Analytics module. If you’ve created a Google Analytics property for them, you’ll need to grant them access to that Google Analytics property, so they can select this property during Analytics set up. If they choose to use their own Google Analytics property, they’ll need to grant you access if you want to view the data for this property within the Site Kit dashboard.
Both you, and your client can then view Search Console and Analytics data within the Site Kit dashboard. They can also connect Tag Manager or AdSense, or you can connect these and other modules for them.
Option 2: You can set up and configure Site Kit first, while then creating a WordPress administrator account for them. After you set up and configure Site Kit, with Google Analytics and any other modules, you will need to grant them access to the connected properties (ie. The Analytics property, or AdSense account). After doing so, they can login to the site with their WordPress administrator account, and then connect their own Google account with Site Kit, so they can view the data within the Site Kit dashboard.
Note that if you go with Option 2, when you set up Site Kit with your own Google account, this will go towards your own OAuth limit of 100 active tokens (ie. Site Kit connected sites). This isn’t a Site Kit limitation, it’s the amount of active connections a Google account can via OAuth 2.0, which Site Kit uses to authenticate users with their data. In other words, if you have 100 clients which you have initially set Site Kit up on, the first connected site will become disconnected if you set up a new site. For that reason, option 1 above may be more suitable. I say this as your clients are less likely to have Site Kit set up on 100 sites.
I hope the above is of use. If the WordPress login you provide to your clients is not based on an administrator role, then unfortunately you’ll need to wait until Dashboard Sharing is active for you. At that point you can grant a “View only” access to editors or other non administrator roles.