• Usage on my site suddenly spiked last night and the logs show a strange cron request originating from my site which may be the cause. The logs show lots of messages like this:

    xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:17 +0000] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1607822536.6514480113983154296875 HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "https://my.site/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1607822536.6514480113983154296875" "WordPress/5.6; https://my.site" | TLSv1.3 | - 0.960 0.960 - W NC:040000 UP:0
    xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:17 +0000] "PURGE / HTTP/1.0" 200 164 "-" "-" | - | - - 0.000 - W NC:000000 UP:0
    xx.xxx.xx.xx my.site - [13/Dec/2020:01:22:18 +0000] "PURGE / HTTP/1.0" 200 164 "-" "-" | - | - - 0.000 - W NC:000000 UP:0

    There is nothing showing for that time in my scheduled access logs. How would I find out what plugin would be causing this?

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  • Moderator Yui



    PURGE request can come from plugins that control server-side caching,
    such as FastCGI cache in nginx, plugin nginx-helper

    Thread Starter rosbiffer


    OK thanks. It looks like the automatic purge from the SG Optimizer may be the cause. SiteGround are suggesting that I replace the wp-cron with my own cron job just runs every 30 minutes as it seems to be running with every single page refresh. Would there be a problem with that? My site is relatively static but does run woocommerce.

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