• Hi folks,

    I have a question for the crowd.

    I recently changed my site from “in development” to Live and in doing so I made my domain name, which was pointing at another server, point to my server which was set up to show my wordpress file.

    so basically I was developing my site at https://www.myowndomain.com/aWordpressSite – and when it was done I kept the site there, but had https://www.myclientsurl.com point to my server.

    After a few initial blunders it all works fine now.

    My Site URL is set to https://www.myowndomain.com/aWordpressSite and my Home URL is set to https://www.myclientsurl.com. So, to log into the admin section I go to https://www.myowndomain.com/aWordpressSite/wp-admin .

    clear? ok.. so in doing this I notice that 2 very handy features are gone. I no longer get those “EDIT” buttons on each page that quickly pop me into the admin section so I can edit that page, and I no longer have the grey admin toolbar on the top of my screen when I’m in the site. To edit, I have 2 windows open now, one with the admin screen and one with the site.

    is there anything I can do about this? I really like those buttons and that admin top toolbar thingie.



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