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  • piginzen


    Cool! Looks like a feature rich stats plugin… I will definitely check this one out!

    That’s nice. I finally got installed ip2nation. Some features of the Plugin don’t work at my site, but it looks really nice so far.

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    Hi Jaycos!
    What is not working? If you need I can help! Have you followed the the installation procedures?
    Come on or contact me!
    The installation procedure is a little mess, because it was done (until now) only for internal purposes.
    If you have found any difficulty tell me, so I will update the little How-To!
    Bye Bye


    Hi Carlo,
    Visits and Historical Stats are doing well. But Visited Pages delivers
    Most Accessed Pages Today
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1181
    Number of Visits Page

    Most Accessed Pages
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1206
    Number of Visits Page

    And Visited Categories, Today Referrals and Searches deliver errors as well. But Complete Referrals and Other Stats are working.

    Note: **mypath** replaces my real path…

    One error’s reason is pretty clear:

    WordPress database error: [Table 'dbxxxx-blog.wp_FCHS_Details' doesn't exist]
    SELECT COUNT(DET_POS_Id) as 'Count', cat_name, cat_id FROM wp_FCHS_Details, wp_post2cat, wp_categories WHERE post_id=DET_POS_Id AND category_id=cat_ID AND DET_POS_Id<>'' GROUP BY category_id ORDER BY cat_name;

    This is because I use a database prefix (wp_01_ instead of wp_) and your plugin cannot deal right with that. Nevertheless it installed by itself the tables wp_01_FCHS_Bots, wp_01_FCHS_Details, wp_01_FCHS_Searches
    and wp_01_FCHS_Visits

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    Hi Jaycos!
    I’ve found a stupid bug (in two functions I have written wp_tablename instead of working with “tableprefix” ??
    As soon as I will fix it at home I will publish the corrected version!
    This is for the “tablename” problem, but I’m still inspecting the first bug you told me in the visited pages…


    I will try to get rid of it also!

    Bye and thanks for the cue!

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    Hi All!
    The silly bug of the table name has been solved (sorry).
    Can you tell me, Jaycos, if after upgrading to version 0.3.1 ( you will still have the same problems?


    Hi carlonicora,
    it’s much better now. But a few errors are still there:

    Most Accessed Pages Today
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1199
    Number of Visits Page

    Today Referrals
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1351
    Number of Visits Page

    Latest Searches
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1769
    Date of Search Searched String Search Engine

    Top Searches
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /is/htdocs/**mypath**/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-fchs.php on line 1769
    Number of Searches Searched String Search Engine

    I hope that helps you making this great plugin even better!

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    Hi Jaycos,
    I have created a new blog, with some different settings (TablePrefix like yours for example), but I’m unable to recreate the same errors…
    Those are referring to the “foreach” that cycles throug the database:
    (1199) Most Visited pages today
    (1351) Most referral pages today
    (1769) Latest Searches

    Being unable to replicate the problem I am in the middle of the mist… do you use permalinks? do your server returns correctly the function “date(‘YmdHis’)” as “YYYMMDDHHMMSS”? (can u try in a php page with a simple “echo date(‘YmdHis’);”?
    the strange thing is that even with empty recordset there are no errors in my testblog, and this excludes that an empty field would crash… do you change anything on the db?

    (ok, I’m trying all the questions I have in my mind, even stupid ones..)



    Yes, the date-function is working correctly… :-/
    So maybe it’s not a prob of your code. Maybe some some other plugins i use are responsible for that?

    looks great

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    I don’t think that other plugins should be responsible for something that doesn’t work in some view!
    I will check on it to find some fixes to your problem! If someone get the same error or is able to find any hint I’ve missed…. I’m here! ??

    BTW, thank you resiny!

    Thread Starter carlonicora


    Hi All!
    Latest news… the foreach problem means that I have been dumb! ?? The problem should be now solved with the version 0.3.2.
    I’m working on a big redraw of the entire application with ajax, I hope to post something the next week!



    YESSS! Thanks for the fix! I cannot expect the ajaxed version! ??

    Just a little bit more feedback:
    a) I’ve got hits from, but they are not listed under searches.
    b) I am not sure if “visited pages” is working well. In Historical Stats it says “Page Visited: 2932”, but in “visited pages” only 2 posts of my blog are listed with one hit each.

    I hope this helps you to perfect your FCHS-plugin!

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