Hi @rcarlos,
Please let me know your hosting service information.
Also, what other plugins do you use?
If you have some issues you should look at your database. In most cases the issue comes from WordPress comment tables. Also, make sure you don’t have errors in the WordPress caused by the active theme and by other plugins, check your site health in Tools > Site Health admin page.
From wpDiscuz side. These option could make wpDiscuz even faster:
1. Set [Initiate AJAX loading after page] for “Comment List Loading Type” option in wpDiscuz > Settings > Comment Thread Displaying Tab
2. Enable “Display only parent comments and view replies ∨ button” option.
3. Decrease the number of parent comments loaded on first page in WordPress Native Settings > Discussions admin page. By default, it may be set 50, you can set it 10. This is the number of parent comments, so the 10 parent comments may load even 100 comments with their replies.
4. Try to use wpDiscuz fast AJAX option, by disabling “Use WordPress native AJAX functions” option in wpDiscuz > Settings > General Settings Tab
5. Make sure these two options are enabled in the same admin page:
— Combine JS and CSS Files to Optimize Page Loading Speed
— Minify JS and CSS Files to Optimize Page Loading Speed
And so on…
There are tons of tricks that make wpDiscuz faster than rocket. However in most cases the reason of speed issue comes from your website, theme, plugins, errors, database issues and server issues. So, instead of searching an alternative to this awesome plugin, it’s better to find the real problem causer.