• Anyone else getting notifications that the site scan failed due to a bad SSL certificate?

    We’ve received this notice from at least 6 sites we manage today. All on different servers, all with valid SSL certs.

    Methinks a bug in iThemes, or an expired cert on their end.

    id               => 196
    module           => site-scanner
    type             => warning
    code             => scan-failure-client-error
    timestamp        => 2021-12-29 23:49:22
    init_timestamp   => 2021-12-29 23:49:21
    remote_ip        => xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    user_id          => [empty string]
    url              => wp-cron
    memory_current   => 70204040
    memory_peak      => 72094688
    data             => Array
        results   => Object WP_Error
            errors       => Array
                http_request_failed   => Array
                    0   => cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
            error_data   => Array
                http_request_failed   => Array
                    url   => https://website.com
        cached    => [boolean] false
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  • I am receiving the same error on my sites too. I host through Kinsta and there are no issues with my SSL certs. Kinsta support said, “As we can verify that the SSL is valid on your domain, it may be best to check this further with iThemes Security’s end.”

    Yes, I experienced the exact same error on 2021-12-29 22:16:30 GMT

    id               => 220168
    module           => site-scanner
    type             => warning
    code             => scan-failure-client-error
    timestamp        => 2021-12-29 22:16:30
    init_timestamp   => 2021-12-29 22:16:29
    remote_ip        => xxx
    user_id          => [empty string]
    url              => wp-cron
    memory_current   => 22207880
    memory_peak      => 22808392
    data             => Array
        results   => Object WP_Error
            errors       => Array
                http_request_failed   => Array
                    0   => cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
            error_data   => Array
                http_request_failed   => Array
                    url   => https://website.com
        cached    => [boolean] false

    This was an automated scan. A manual one performed two hours later still produced the same error. But the automated scan this morning (10 hours later) ran correctly. Maybe someone from iThemes can jump in and let us know what’s up?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Yui. Reason: some possibly sensitive data removed

    I am having similar issues, in fact the upgraded version appears to be playing up with cURL or at least giving false positives about the SSL certificate. Please fix asap, it’s causing all my sites havoc.

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