Hello! I had a look at your website, thank you for providing the link! Both https://www.google.com/search?q=site:callcard.xyz and https://www.google.com/search?q=site:non.callcard.xyz seem to pretty much ignore your website for now.
I did some preliminary digging and there are a couple of red flags right from the get go. The server of your domain is hosting 100 other domains, all having something to do with call cards? Most of them are parked or redirected and that should not be an issue, at least Google says so. However, if the IP your server is hosted on is associated with poor content, spam or any other shady gray/black SEO practices, it might have an impact on new websites you make. This is just a speculation for now.
I looked at the content of your website, and please take this as honest, constructive criticism, but that website looks like textbook affiliate SPAM. The content is almost non-existent, and the links you have there always point to Amazon.
On top of that, the “products” are rotating in this weird popup window and have only a generic, copy-pasted description. The blog posts are generic and bland. There is very little value this websites offer.
While it might sound harsh, why would Google or Bing display your website for any search query? There is no added value for the visitor and Google will always rather display a link directly to the product, or Amazon listing. Or a blog that actually tried to produce meaningful content.
It seems that Google started slashing the low effort websites, even other types of websites have problems with getting into Google index lately, so if you want to make money with this website you need to put in more effort and love into it.
Unfortunately, all the symptoms point to low quality content. On top of that, it takes a lot of time to get into index for new domains and websites, even if the content is original. Unless you churn out a lot of well written, original articles, ideally with original photos and some uniqueness to them, I suspect no SEO plugin can help you.
TSF takes care of the technical aspect of SEO and everything seems in order in that department.