• Hi! I love wordpress! I tried shifting to an asp.net blog when I got windows hosting, but i just couldn’t give up the features and ease-of-use that wordpress offers! So the rest of my site is in asp.net, but the blog is still using php (of course). However, i can’t get the blog theme to match my design. I modified the Blix theme since it had the layout I needed, and it looks pretty good when I run it on IE. But here in the university computer labs we have to use mozilla (bleh) and the blog section of my site does not look right.

    I don’t know what you need to help me diagnose the problem, but basically what I did was in the header I put all the html for the tables up to the main table, then in the footer I put all the closing table tags. I would appreciate any assistance anyone can give me, as I would like to have my page looking sharp on all browsers, even mozilla (bleh).

    my blog url is https://www.SelArom.com/blog

    thank you!


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  • OK, I don’t want to start a discussion about why do you need to put a fine theme like blix in tables… but before we can help to find your problems, it would definitely help to try to validate your site:

    Thread Starter SelArom


    Thank you for the link! That will really help to clean up that mess ?? as for using tables, that’s the way I made my website and I don’t know of any other way to make that layout. If you do, I would love to make it better. Thank you!


    1. No problem ?? – and the thanks should go to the fine people who set up the validator. BTW, if you check the Show source box and click Revalidate, it will show you exactly where the errors are.
    2. I guess many people around here know how to make a layout without tables, but redesigning your site or blog would go beyond the occasional help offered in the forum. As for encouragement: years ago I didn’t know either any better than tables, but I’ve learned.

    Thread Starter SelArom


    could you point me in the right direction to redesigning my site without tables? Is it really worth it (considering speed, ease of maintenance, etc)? What are the benefits/drawbacks? How (basically) does it work?


    With tables, you are mixing formatting and content.

    With pure CSS, you only have content. The formatting is applied from a style list or stylesheet.

    See this site for an example: https://www.csszengarden.com/

    Click some links on the right to apply different stylesheets.

    Note that the site is EXACTLY the same HTML even though it looks completely different.

    Thread Starter SelArom


    this sounds absolutely fascinating, but how do you go about creating a graphically “nice” site using it? It seems most of the sites that use it just end up looking like newspapers, which is pretty boring. Would someone like to give me an idea on how to get started converting my page design to one that uses css? I don’t see how it can be done.


    Thread Starter SelArom


    hey hey i’m starting to figure it out ?? I’m also working on making an asp.net version of wordpress (at least the display of it). I’m using 2.0 beta 2 and it’s coming along pretty good. I’ll make a post when it’s finished if anyone is interested. thanks for the tips everyone!


    Thread Starter SelArom


    whew now that school has been out for a while (finally!) I’ve had some time to tinker with using asp.net 2.0 with wordpress, and I’ve had some pretty good success! but there’s one thing I haven’t been able to figure out: wordpress doesn’t use a seperate page for different types of posts (like singlepost.php, categories.php, monthPosts.php it seems that it uses the query string to figure out what to do. But I don’t know how that would be applied to asp.net. I’m really not very good at all with php so I’m not sure what I should be doing. I’ve had to resort to making the seperate pages (singlepost.aspx, etc) for now, but I don’t want my links to be broken (like in google, and other places i’ve linked to my blogs). anybody have any advice on how best to handle this? THANKS!


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